
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Crumb Along

I am crumbing along with the gang over at Jo's and here are the four log cabin blocks I made. I started with a triangle shape in the center (instead of a square) just for fun, and think that they turned out quite cute.
Jo suggests that we should lay all the blocks out to see what kind of blocks we might want to make more of, and to check if the colour balance is how we wanted it. Now I'm breaking into a cold sweat. I'm scared to take this pile and spread it out. 
I'm scared of the dreaded IOP boogie man!
Just like when I made my IOP (Indian Orange Peel) blocks, I  LOVED making each block. On their own, each block is a wonderful combination of scraps and I think each one looks so pretty. But what if I put them together and they don't play nice, and hate their neighbours, and I see that I have spent a huge amount of time making a big ugly mess???
This is how I drive the car too... I just start out in a direction that is probably going to get me there, get lost along the way, meet some nice people while asking for directions, meander around the countryside enjoying the scenery, and eventually arrive at my destination (drives my husband absolutely crazy). But it's fun and it makes me happy...unless of course I get hopelessly lost and the trip turns into a disaster and then it's not so fun!
What kind of trip is this crumb quilt going to turn into?!?
I think I will just keep making blocks, and putting them in the block baggie, and keep enjoying the journey as long as possible!


  1. How inspiring. I was not sure I wanted the log cabins in my quilt. But these might work great! (If I can make them look as pretty as yours) I honestly don't see how this quilt is not going to look amazing. Very anxious to see it!!!

  2. Your blocks look great, love the colours. Someone once told me that all batiks go together, so there's no reason your blocks won't like living next to each other. Looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.

  3. So you are going to keep us in suspense, huh?
    These log cabin crumb blocks look delicious!! Seriously!

  4. As long as you are enjoying the ride, the destination is just an added bonus. Love your blocks this week, the colors are beautiful.

  5. I think that all your blocks will look amazing together! Have fun making them.

  6. As I was reading your blog I was looking forward to scrolling down and seeing a photo of all your blocks together...but it wasn't there! I love your batik blocks.

  7. They are all really gorgeous and you have no fear of color. I'm certain your crumb quilt will be a riot, just like Jo's!

  8. I love all your blocks, and think they will play very nicely together. Great idea for the triangles, by the way. I might just have to do some of those. And, I love, love, love your IOP sections. I'd love to see them spread out, and what they look like then.

  9. I just searched your blog and found a pic of your IOP laid out. IT IS GORGEOUS!!!!!!!

  10. love the triangle center blocks!

  11. Don't be scared! Just looking at your blocks, I'm getting a feel of a quilt like the ones Wanda at the "Exuberent Color" blog does. Go look at her stuff and you'll embrace the directions your blocks are taking. Go for it!

  12. I completely and totally get it ... enjoy the journey (and quit worrying about the destination).


  13. You need to pack up all those Indian Orange peels and come down and play here!! I'm sure we could make those naughty blocks play nicely with a few second and third opinions!

  14. I didn't mean to put you in a cold sweat. If you lay them out and don't like how they play together you can always add sashing for a boundary or for unification. They will be fine.... :)
