
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - black

The colour for the month is black, which I guess I don't work with very often, because I don't even have a black scrap bin! At the beginning of the month I wrote that I will take the month off from the rainbow challenge, and guess what happened this week?!? 
At guild meeting, I was given a big bag of black scraps all cut into triangle shapes! 
The fabric donor could not remember what these were intended for! So she gave them to me to use up... and I am going to give them to the guild comfort quilt program (because I have enough projects to keep me out of trouble for years to come!) 
I am putting them into baggies with instruction sheets for the guild members to sew these triangles into big black 10" pinwheels, and then we can put the blocks together into quilt tops. 
To see what other rainbow quilters are making this week, click here.


  1. What a fun way to get some use out of someone else's leftovers.

  2. I've been short on colours for the last two months. Great way to use these scraps

  3. What a great way to use scraps that were given to you.

  4. Good idea to use up those scraps without adding to your project list.

  5. Funny how just when we are going to step back from something, it falls right into our laps. Kinda like those black and white triangles this month.

  6. Someone's fabric scraps are another quilter's gold! It's a great way to put those scraps to good use and for a good cause too.

  7. That's a great idea. Looks like it could be a dramatic quilt when it's all done.
