
Friday, September 09, 2011

Fall Fairs

This is such a crazy busy time of harvesting and canning, back to school shopping, and new routines. But I still make time for the Fall Fairs!
We have been regular attenders since our children were little...this is an old photo of the kids with their faces painted riding the bumper cars.  The rides, the animals, and the face painting were the favorite attractions then. Now that the kids are older, we enjoy the displays and the entertainment more.
Last year I entered some quilts in a fall fair for the first time (click here to read about it). This year I entered a couple of quilts in the Paris Fair and my recently finished quilt-as-you-go project won first prize (thanks to Lyn Bell for sponsoring the fair prizes...I can't wait to spend my gift certificate!).
A new goal that I set for myself this year was to not only enter some quilts, but to enter the photography category.  There were hundreds of entries, so I was very excited to win a couple of ribbons.

This was one of my winning photos in the category called "In The Snow". I was not impressed that pins were stuck into the corners of the some of the photos to hang them on the display walls! That is why the photos are mounted on a background so that they can be easily displayed without damaging the photo! 
However I was very happy that my storyboard ("a collection of small prints on one subject mounted on a 16" x 20" board") of photos documenting the making my spiderweb quilt won a second place ribbon (no pin holes in the storyboard photos!)
And speaking of Fall Fairs, I see on Sandy Gervais' blog that there is a
A Country Fair Blog Hop - 26 designers offering free projects for the month of September. Check it out!


  1. Love fairs. I was a bit confused about the ribbons at first. In our fair, red is second and blue is first. Congrats on your wins! Fun to follow the spider web quilt progress on the storyboard. : )

  2. Congrats on the first prize for the fair. You derserve it. That quilt is just lovely! Love the collage of your progress on the quilt too! Love this time of the year and all the country fairs!

  3. Congratulations, Kathy, on your success at the fair! I remember my 4-H days and how excited I would be to see a ribbon on my exhibit. I don't think that ever changes.

  4. Congratulations on your wins Kathy! I like that little Dr. Suess block in your 36 patches.
