
Saturday, April 02, 2011

UFO Confessional - March

It's been a long week and I have to admit that I was not able to finish my March UFO. I am disappointed about not meeting my "UFO wish list goal"... but it was not for lack of effort! You can click here to see the other UFO's that did get finished for Judy's UFO challenge...some great quilts finished this month.
The machine quilting was a typical "nightmare" scenario... not the right needle/thread brand in the colour I wanted to use to make it work. Here is a shot of the back of one of the blocks...OMG! I kept fiddling with it, changing needle types, tension settings, and threads in colours I was less and less happy with until I finally gave in and made a trip to the store to buy more Mettler thread. I know what combination works and I wish I would stop buying thread that looks pretty and use what I know I have good luck with! Lesson learned?!?!?  Let's hope so!
Came home with necessary supplies (Mettler thread and Topstitch #100 needle) and quickly finished quilting the rest of the blocks with no problem.  It was like walking all day in stiletto shoes that are one size too small, and then slipping your feet into your favorite snuggly just relax and enjoy!
Now I just have to pick out the problem quilting and replace it. The binding is ready and waiting...
In an interesting life paradox, I attended quilt judging school today and that was very interesting. I took along my nightmare quilt as an example of BAD quilting, but was too embarrassed to show it!


  1. OH, I know this pain!! :-) My "brown bag quilting challenge" quilt had to be done April 1 -- and technically, it was, but I'll have to frog-stitch (rip it! :-D) the WHOLE thing because the back looks like yours...Sigh. Part of the learning curve for me, I guess, since I'm a newbie! Your quilt is gorgeous, though, so it will be worth the extra effort!
    Mary Lou

  2. Well, I certainly appreciate you showing US on here the quilting "nightmare" so that we have the opportunity to learn from your unfortunately frustrating experience.

    I must say though....I LOVE that green fabric! ;0)

  3. Did you learn any extra special quilt judging secrets that we should all know about? Glad you got the thread problem solved, we've all been there.

  4. I had one of those days last week. Thread breaking every 2-3 inches. I decided to pack it in and sometime during the night I thought "do you suppose you put rayon thread on that machine?" Sure enough, way too weak for machine quilting. Change of thread and all went well. Sometimes we just have to remember to do it right, life's funny that way.

  5. I'm sorry you didn't finish your UFO but I do ow what you thread choices may not be the most adventuresome but my machine LIKES them!

  6. Sorry you didn't get the UFO to the point you'd like, but you made a lot of progress. That has to count for something.

  7. I am sorry for your thread tension problems. That is so frustrating when it happens to me.

    I also wanted to thank you for your comment about my mini quilts UFO finish. This is the fourth one I've made so I guess I'm addicted. The others were all put into one quilt. I think I'm going to hang these in a group together on my living room wall.

  8. I barely finished mine, Kathy, and really only by a small cheat, but it is a quilt! Stitching problems are such a drag. Glad you figured out what thread your machine likes!
