
Monday, January 31, 2011

Design Wall Monday #5

These blocks were on my design wall. The batik blocks were donated to the guild's comfort quilt program and I just need to add some sashing and/or borders and make it a larger quilt top. I have been playing around with scrap sashings to avoid buying yardage, but that seems to make it too busy...might have to go shopping.
The 'S' blocks at the bottom were made for Shannon's birthday quilt and they have been mailed to the birthday girl! **to see all of Shannon's blocks on her blog - click here.

I took the batik blocks down while I think about what to do next and put up my guild's mystery quilt project. I have sewn 9 of the 12 blocks. The remaining 3 blocks have been cut and the pieces are in the plastic sleeves at the bottom of the design wall, all ready to sew. All of these blocks have been made from my bright scraps... only the background fabric was purchased.

To check out many inspiring design walls - click here.

I have a question for you experienced bloggers out there... I am getting a message from Picasa that I have used up my "allowed storage space" with photos on my blog. I refuse to purchase additional storage space from Google in order to continue blogging, so do you have any suggestions for how to handle this dilemma? Who knew that one's ability to freely use Blogger services was time/space limited?!?!


  1. I don't know a lot about this, but I would just get rid of some of the old work. At least for a start.

  2. I love everything on your design wall. I could be wrong but I think Amy from Amy's Creative Side had the same problem. If I remember correctly she started putting her pictures into flickr and then linked the pictures for her blog from there so that it was not taking up space from Picasa.

  3. I actually love Picasa and store a lot of my files there. I ran out of space a few months ago and purchased additional storage. I figure that with all the free services I get from Google it's still a great deal and I got a ton of storage for a not very much money. And the best part was I didn't have to switch any of my accounts or open a new one.

  4. I had to delete a few of my old Albums from Quilt shows. I don't want to purchase extra space either. I have the pictures saved on CD's so Picasa is just for the Blog.

  5. I've just heard about Picasa, storage and such. I don't have an answer but I'm sure I'll have to deal with the same challenge soon. ugh! Maybe just removing some old pictures, or moving them to a flick'r acct. HMMMM!

    I love the blocks on your design wall.

  6. If you remove old photos from Picasa it means if someone opens an old post there will be no pictures there. And, you've been blogging for a long time which is why you are getting full. A number used to come up showing how many gigs were used and total gigs available when you uploaded pics to the blog. I haven't seen that info anywhere since they changed the pic upload feature. When you figure it out let me know! Or most likely all of us know!

  7. These bright colors make my heart sing!

  8. I just love all those star blocks. I can't wait to see the finished quilt :)

  9. Beautiful stars, Kathy!

    I "websize" all my photos when I export them from Picasa to my blog so even though I've been blogging two years I have only used 7% of my storage. The extra storage is only $5, so I've read.

  10. Pretty quilt blocks
    I need to expand my stash to include baticks

  11. I love your blocks...the colors are great.

    Sorry, I can't help you with the Picasa problem. I do know Flicker charges too. You get the first 200 free, then you have to upgrade or only the most current 200 photos will show. If you remove the old photos and they were on your blog and someone looks at an old post, the pictures aren't there, just like Bonnie said above. I don't know what the charges are but I'm going to have to find out soon too...

  12. Great blocks. Love all your bright colors.

  13. Beautiful blocks, love the brights.

    Don't know anything about Picasa since I haven't been blogging long. Hope you can get it worked out.

  14. I'm glad I found your blog, I love your use of color!

  15. I love the star blocks.
    Someone told me a long time ago to take pictures at a lower dpi and then they don't take as much space on your blog... but that's all I remember.

  16. Your design wall is so cheery!! I like all of those stars!

    I use webshots to store my photos. I have for a long time. You are able to store up to 1000 photos/month. I like not having to mess with the DPI so that if I want to have them printed, they come out the same quality as I shot them with. You then link your photo to the blog. If you want more info, email me.

  17. I love your brights!!!!
    I haven't got enough photos to run out of room yet, but the good thing about having an account there is that if your computer crashes (heaven forbid) your photos are saved.
