
Monday, November 08, 2010

Design Wall Monday #41

I attended a guild Bee Day on Saturday and one of our guild members demonstrated how to make Anita Grossman Solomon's Arrowhead blocks from the Quiltmaker magazine. Everyone at the bee had the opportunity to try out the technique and these are the blocks we ended up with (made from a bag of fabrics donated to the guild).

I brought all the blocks home to square up and today they are on my design wall waiting to be sewn together for Tuesday's guild meeting.
These blocks were really fun to sew - you should try them if you haven't already!
The squaring up went really well, even though the blocks were made by many different sewers...all of them came out to 9".
I thinking of using up the leftover scraps for some kind of scrappy border. And there were also 5 strips of the bright blue in the donated fabrics bag, which might become either a border or some sashing. Here are the Worker Bees and some of the other comfort quilt projects we worked on...
Drop by Judy's blog to see lots of other design walls for inspiration - click here.
The ultimate in inspiration will be the new issue of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks magazine which is being published next week. Last year I made 30 quilt blocks using many of the patterns from the 1st issue of the magazine - click here to see them (yes...they are still a UFO!). To celebrate the release of this magazine, there is a quilt blog hop where you can visit the block designers starting today - click here to read about it. I can hardly wait to get my copy and be inspired to start another project!


  1. Kathy seems everyone is making this block since that magazine went out. I have not tried it yet but think it is cute and love the technique so I am definitely going to try it out.

  2. Nifty directions. I want the whole book to try. I like the idea that the blocks squared up to the correct size with lots of different sewers. That has got to be a first. B.

  3. I have wanted to try that block. I have seen it several places in blogland. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Love you quilt from quiltmaker's 100 blocks. You blocks are WONDERFUL,

  4. Your quilt from the UFO group looked great. Wonderful picture of all the participants.

  5. Wow. I wonder how this would look in a two color quilt? Hmmmmm

  6. I love the colors!! The blocks do look fun!

  7. That sounds like a lot of fun, working together on the new technique. Glad it was easy to square up.

    Your UFO is so pretty--hope it gets some assembly time soon!

  8. What a nice picture of your friends. Great idea to show what you were working on. Have fun sewing the blocks together, Squaring up is ALWAYS a good idea. I'm waiting patiently for the 100 Blocks Mag too.

  9. Your guild did a great job. Someone will love getting that quilt.

  10. I did! I've done one -- 24 more to go! LOL! Yours looks GREAT! :)

  11. We had our bee today and that was one of the blocks Jane made us for our swap. Nice collection of blocks.

  12. The arrowhead blocks turned out great.

  13. Great results with the group arrowhead blocks. I like the blue hanging on the side; don't know if you have enough but surely works with the blocks.

  14. the blocks are great-amazing that you could get them all squared up so nicely from so many different piecers-not my experience.

  15. Anita Grossman Solomon blocks are so clever...I've just ordered a copy of the magazine as I'd love to try this technique. Love the colours you've used..looks great!

  16. I love those blocks, and that bag of donated fabric is going to end up a beautiful colorful scrappy quilt.

  17. Love the arrowhead blocks. Of course I tried one right away and now I have a dozen pinned on the wall. :-)
    But they have to wait ... now I'm getting ready for the new Bonnie Hunter mystery.

  18. Those blocks are so striking .... this is a block to try out!
