
Monday, November 01, 2010

Design Wall Monday #40

I had 2 goals for last week...neither of which had anything to do with a design wall project:
1) sort scraps - click here
2) quilt/finish a UFO - click here
Apparently it is impossible for me to sort scraps and actually finish that job because those darn things keep inspiring me to make something with them. I thought to myself..."look at these cute pink scraps...they would make a lovely block. I'll just quickly sew it together".
So I started sewing the pink scraps and squared it to a 6 1/2" block. Cute!

And then the blue scraps started calling to me and before much else got sorted, I was playing with the blue scraps.
And how many of the scraps got sorted into the new bins?
Not even enough to take a picture of them!

But look what else happened??
A few more scrappy blocks got sewn...and then a project started that I could post for Design Wall Monday!

So far I have made 1 pink, 2 red, 2 orange, 3 yellow, 4 green and 4 blue of 16. That is not nearly enough for a kid's quilt yet, but I have lots more (unsorted) scraps!

Notice a couple of pumpkin blocks on the bottom right of the design wall? They haven't been sewn together yet from this project.

So then I came up for air and realized that I was not accomplishing much for my 2 goals listed above. And goal #2 has a deadline because the rewards (UFO meeting and shop hop) are this week...yikes!
So I quickly pieced the backing and basted that UFO, then got to work with quilting a stitch-in-the-ditch grid to stabilize the quilt. I haven't yet figured out what else I will do with the quilting, but as least I have made a tiny bit of progress in the direction of accomplishing my goals. My friend Pat took this picture of me while quilting at her house so I can prove that I am "on task"!


  1. Way to be inspired! Love the bright, fun colors! :)

  2. Love your color blocks! I think you can count these as sorting and sewing at the same time..

  3. Nice and the bright blocks double as I spy blocks too. I see some cute characters in there. Some young child will love this quilt. It's great to be 'on task" and caught in the act. I'm the one with the camera so I don't get caught too often.

  4. Every step forward counts toward your goal.

  5. You are far better at sorting scraps than I am...clearly. I love your quilt.

  6. Are you wearing a scrap queen T shirt? Too funny! Great job playing with your scraps. I don't have any kid's prints in my stash to speak off but I love what you did with yours. My scrap bins are overflowing just now too. I'm picturing the long Thanksgiving weekend as the best time for me to be sorting those!

  7. Ok, so you are easily distracted -- so am I. I do like your color blocks though. They'll be a great kids quilt when they grow up. Hum, don't I have some bow tie blocks in bright colors somewhere? Off to work on my goals for the week. Enough blog hopping!

  8. Your post is so funny, but you figured another way to sort your scraps - by USING THEM! I love your crumb blocks. I'm so lazy that I don't want to sort the scraps into color piles every time so I make a lot of mine blocks in all colorways. However, you have inspired me to take that extra step.

  9. I love your crumb blocks. Using scraps is WAY better than sorting them. And what a great result, now you just have to work your way through the rainbow and you'll have a quilt before you know it.

  10. I'm so glad it's not just me that gets carried away with her scraps...I have crumb blocks on the go too!

  11. Excellet post of what happens when a quilter starts cleaning up. I made some experimental scrap blocks last week and when done it seemed that my 1.5" scraps had multiplied. So today I am making some more. I want to put that drawer back almost empty (not going to happen).

  12. The scraps look much better already!

  13. Love the blocks, especially the one with Cookie Monster! I would think that the blocks could be considered just another way of sorting, right?

  14. On task? Would you mind explaining to me what that means??? You look quite happy quilting along on your project. :)
    Your scrappy blocks are fabulous. This will make a very fun quilt.

  15. Lots of color on your design wall - nice! And a UFO becoming a finished quilt - you can do it!

  16. Hmmm, maybe I should start sorting my scraps by color instead of strip size. Good work on sorting your scraps. : )

  17. Your scrappy blocks turned out so pretty and bright! I have a hard time sorting too, I find things I forgot I had!
