
Friday, October 15, 2010

Machine Quilting

The fall weather continues to be glorious! This is a photo from an afternoon walk with my dog...aren't the colours amazing?!?

Today is the last day to enter the Fall Into Fall Quilt Bloggers Giveaway. If you haven't entered yet, click here and put your name in for my draw. I will be picking the winner's name tonight...check my blog tomorrow night to see who wins!

For the first time ever, I entered some of my quilts in a Fall Fair and found out that I won a couple of ribbons!  This quilt won the machine quilting ribbon and I have learned that it will "go on to district" (whatever that means!)  so I won't get the quilt back for a while. Maybe it was the only quilt entered in this category?!? LOL
You can read more about the details of the machine quilting - click here.

Winning some ribbons and seeing all the quilts was really fun, but I have to admit that this was my favorite part of the fair!

Today I taught a machine quilting class at Triangle Sewing and the students were fearless with their machines! Here they are showing some of their quilted sandwiches. They practised quilting feathers similar to the ones I quilted on the wallhanging on the right of the photo. (To read more about the quilting - click here.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congratulations on your ribbons! You will have to let us know how your quilt does at the next level!

  3. Congratulations. Winning a ribbon must be so very exciting.

  4. Congratulations on the win!! That must be SO exciting! The picture of the trees is beautiful!

  5. Your quilt is gorgeous!!! Congratulations on the ribbon:)

    Your trees make for great walking scenery lovely!

    Ann Flowers

  6. I need to get to our shop and see what classes are coming up. They did have a free motion class and would like to take that to have them help me with speeds and stitches.


  7. Congratulations on your win!! You so totally deserve that praise...wonderful!

  8. I always knew you were a winner. So glad someone gave you a ribbon to prove it.........
