
Monday, October 04, 2010

Design Wall Monday #37

There isn't much on my design wall at the moment. I am "in between" projects since finishing the wedding quilt yesterday. I recognize this feeling that occurs after a big push to finish a quilt and being obsessed by it (especially with a deadline), and then wondering around not knowing what to do with myself next. I usually end up cleaning and putting things away (always a good thing!) until I settle on the next project to work on.
This is what was on my design wall the last time I looked...pumpkins that didn't go into my giveaway wallhanging - click here to see my "Fall into Fall" giveaway (and enter the draw if you haven't yet) and click here to get to the list of quilting blogs hosting fall giveaways.
Which one of these blocks is not like the others?!? LOL! Today there will be some reconstructive surgery happening on the "unique" block to make it more "pumpkin looking".
And now that I have my orange scraps out to play with, I might make a few more blocks!


  1. Congratulations on finishing the wedding quilt. You made me laugh this morning--reconstructive surgery!!! That is hilarious. Love the pumpkin blocks.

  2. Those scraps look like a pile of leaves and the pumpkin is hilarious.

  3. I get that same feeling!! Glad I'm not the only one!

  4. Way to go on finishing your wedding quilt. I get a little lost after finishing something big too. It is the only way my sewing room gets cleaned LOL

  5. I am feeling the same way as you do today...I had the big push to get my quilts ready for our guild's quilt show on the weekend and now I am in cleaning up mode. Just finished pulling the plants out of the veggie garden and now I am working on cleaning up inside the house. That one pumpkin has a lot of personality! Have fun playing with your orange scraps.

  6. Nothing like sliding under the wire on a quilt finish. LOL
    Now on to something a little less serious like those cute pumpkins.

  7. Congrat's on finishing the wedding quilt! Good luck in 'surgery'~ LOL They are adorable pumpkins, one just got squashed. ;-) Have a happy day!

  8. very cute and I am glad to know others do have blocks together in unique ways like I do.

  9. Perhaps that pumpkin just grew too fast. Just a few waltzes with Mr. Seam Ripper and the pumpkin will recover quite well.

    It does take time after a big project to move on to the next one. You are right though, it is a great time to clear out the sewing room.

  10. Rip-it, Rip-it, the froggy says...
    Have fun with your Pumpkins. Some days the un-sewing counts more than the stitching.

  11. I don't know about changing it - looks kind of funky - put it in a quilt and you'll know folks will get close and personal trying to figure it out - LOL.

  12. Congratualtions on finishing the wedding quilt. Since I usually have 3 or more projects going at once, I don't usually lack for something to do when I finish a quilt. I do make myself put all the left over fabric away and clean up a bit before I go to work on the other projects.

  13. Congrats on finishing the wedding quilt-in spite of the thread woes!have fun operating on the blocks-funny!

  14. Love your pumpkins. Your slump is probably the reason that I have 3-4 projects going at one time. that way I have something else to pick up when one thing is complete. But the slumps do come, usually at the most inopportune time.

  15. Wonderful wedding quilt and fun new project.
    I was lazy today, did a little stitching, but not too much.


  16. Have fun with the pumpkins...the orange fabrics are great for fall, but here in TX it is still summer.

  17. Hee! I love the "carved already" cute! Thought I was the only one who did that sort of thing!

  18. cute wall hanging! I think the one that doesn't match is cute...I thought it was on purpose before I read your post :)

  19. reconstructive surgery huh? That is too funny! Love the pumplkins and your fall quilts!!
