
Thursday, June 10, 2010


I am cranky!
I have been working too much and not quilting enough and that is reason #1!
And I have no recent project photos to show because my camera is AWOL...reason #2!
Reason #3 - I missed guild meeting because I went to an Eagles and Dixie Chicks concert in yes, but while at the concert, I missed the last guild meeting of the year, and rumour has it that it was great fun. just can't do 2 fun things at once!
And my regular quilting activities are finished until the fall, and that is reason #4! I miss my quilting friends and the regular structure of our activities that keep me focused on quilting.
For example, here is a photo of the some of the students I taught at the local senior's centre that I won't see until the fall.

This was a special request class, made by someone who had lost a loved one and wanted to make a quilt from his clothing. I did an internet search and found Nancy's "7 shirt quilt".  I tried out the pattern and loved making it - this is my finished quilt, which I apparently forgot to post on my blog :) I used almost every bit of fabric from the shirts in this quilt, including the backing and the scrappy binding which doesn't show up very well in this photo. The shirt pockets were used for the corner blocks in the borders.
This is such a great group of ladies and we had a wonderful time with this quilt project - many happy memories were shared about the men who wore these shirts, and some tears were shed over missing them. I am very thankful to Nancy of Life's a Stitch blog for generously allowing us to use her 7 shirts quilt design for this class. If you have some shirts from a loved one or want to purchase some at a thrift shop as I did, the instructions are still up on Nancy's blog - click here to get them.
Okay now...what am I going to do to cheer up?!? I think I'll go finish the quilt binding that I was working on in Monday's post...I love to stitch binding!


  1. Adorable quilts! And sorry your camera is hiding! :-/ Hope you feel better soon! ;-)

  2. Wonderful quilts, Kathy! OK, I'm coming to visit you for the entire Summer and keep you in stitches. LOL I'll be there soon - wait for me before you start doing something fun.

    Dream a little dream with me! :-)

  3. Binding? Me too. I never understand why many quilters seem to not enjoy that part of the quilt process. I LOVE to stitch binding.

  4. Binding is my 2nd fav part (1st comes designing!). It means I'm almost finished - yahoo!

  5. Well Miss Cranky Pants, you need to cheer up! Come on, where's that gorgeous smile??? :0)

    Why don't you design a special quilt for your next class? Or host an online mini quilt along? I'd join in that one. Or ...ummm let me think.

    The 7 shirts quilts turned out fabulous!

  6. Good idea to use thrift store shirts for a quilt like this.

  7. I remember seeing your quilt and I loved it. Looks like your students ended up with some wonderful ones too.

    I usually love to hand stitch bindings down too but recent haven't been in the mood to get them to the stage I can sit and stitch them. Did one last night and will get another one ready for tonight I think.

  8. Well - I think I'd be a little cranky, too! But, looking at those ladies and the lovely quilts made me smile! Your quilt is wonderful - and I hope the binding cheered you up!

  9. I've been collecting shirts but the fabric just goes into my stash...this is a great use for them. I think I'll start collecting....

  10. oh my gosh! I have been looking for something like this for my father in laws shirts! thank you!!
