
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Anniversary plans

What a busy week! We had planned a little getaway to celebrate our 26th anniversary, but then the husband of a long time friend passed away suddenly and tragically, and we had to change our plans to attend the visitation and funeral. It has been an emotionally draining week, and I do feel especially bad for my longsuffering husband since last year I hauled my sewing machine to our anniversary getaway (read about it here) and 2 years ago I dragged him to a quilt shop hop on our way to our little holiday (click here to read about that),  and this year I made him cancel our celebration plans to go to a funeral. But he promised "for better or worse" and I'm holding him to that!
Of course I did work on some projects late at night...there is no better way to de-stress than doing a little sewing.  I worked on this mini's it looking so far?

And I finished the mini mystery that Cyndi had posted on her blog...don't look below if you still working on yours! You can get the pattern on her blog - click here. She is now offering a stitching mystery if you like to do hand stitching.
If you haven't yet put your name in for my 500th blog post giveaway, do it quick!  (click here)
I'll be drawing the winners soon!


  1. Poor hubby seems like he can't get you alone no matter what he tries!!!! Sorry about your week,sewing is a lovely way to destress I agree.Gonna do some myself today.I am waiting patiently to be a winner in your 5ooth blog post...hahaha!!!

  2. Well you will just have to have a surprise getaway.....better late than never.
    It was good that you could be with your friend in her time of need.

    Love those Cardinals!

  3. The best way to relax is taking a stitch or two.

    Sorry about the loss of your friend's husband. That is hard to handle.

    Taking your sewing machine on a get away makes just as much sense as a man taking his fishing rod or golf clubs..............

  4. The cardinals make a good quilt project. My daughter would like this as she collects items with cardinals.

  5. Kathy, I'm sorry you had to cancel your anniversary plans again. Love the cardinals! I made that pattern for a swap a few years ago.

  6. Sorry to read your's horrible when something sad happens when you should be all happy. I hope you find another weekend to celebrate your anniversary.
