
Friday, May 28, 2010

Quilt Festival

If you are a blog reader living within driving distance of St. Jacobs, Ontario, you are likely attending some of the Quilt Festival events this week. (Click here for the list of events.)
Every year I try to attend as many of the events as possible. But this year DH has pneumonia and has been in bed since last Saturday, so I have been playing nursemaid, taking him to appointments, getting his prescriptions, going to work and keeping everything at home running relatively smoothly.
But I just can't miss the quilt auction, which I have attended for many years.  So tomorrow, my teenage son is in charge of taking care of his Dad (which should be interesting!) and I am FREE!
I went over tonight to check everything...make sure the quilts are ready!
Here are the tents all set up outside, selling a wide variety of specialty items including crafts, food and flowers.
And here are all the quilts hanging in the arena ready to be admired by potential quilt buyers attending tomorrow's auction.
Here is my comfy seat, reserved and waiting for my butt to be on it all day tomorrow!
Here is the quilt that I made with 3 of my quilting friends.  To see our quilt the day we picked it up from the quilters - click here.  This is our second quilt that we have made to donate - click here to read about last year's.
And here is the finished basket quilt that I contributed some blocks for last June. To read more about the project and see my blocks -click here.  There was a little photo of the quilt pinned beside my block there but I can't wait to see the whole quilt tomorrow!


  1. Looks like a fun day! Look forward to hearing how well your quilt does.

  2. I hope you are there right now and having a wonderful time!!!

  3. Kathy, so many wonderful quilts! I wish I could be there. We visited ST. Jacobs several years ago, but it wasn't during the quilt auction. Have fun and hope your quilts go for big bucks.

  4. Hope dh recovers quickly. Your contributions to the auction look great!

  5. Looks like an amazing event.......I HAVE to get there one day. There is just so much to do this time of year in the region for quilters!!!!

    Do hope your DH is on the mend. Never fun having a fella feeling poorly about the house. For him or you!
