
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Saturday Sampler #16

By the skin of my teeth...I finished my Saturday Sampler block!
It was a hard one this week, although it looks easy enough.
I couldn't get the inner block with the first round of triangles to be the right size.
I tried a couple of different measurements, and ended up with a block that is fairly close to 12 1/2"!
Block Name: Mystery Block as suggested by the Friday Block Party.
Pattern Source: Quilter's Cache
I bought a couple more fabrics to go with my Saturday Sampler fabrics this past week. Oh, and I alos bought a few boatload more fabrics and quilty items on an impromptu shop hop...details coming tomorrow. Tonight is a party for my mother-in-law's 85th birthday!


  1. Your quilt block turned out great, Kathy. Have a good time at the party tonight!

  2. another really pretty block, Happy Birthday to your mil!

  3. Your block looks great, have you put them all together yet to get a view of the completed project? I bet it looks fabulous so far. How many more until you're done?

  4. Another wonderful block! Looking forward to your shop hop report.

  5. It was worth your extra effort, this block is lovely!
