
Monday, April 05, 2010

Design Wall #14

This is what is on my design wall this morning. I have been working on my buzzsaw blocks that I started last weekend. I have sewn together 20 blocks and am thinking that is as many as I want to make, which makes a layout of 4 by 5 blocks.
Some of the blocks are made of 4 different fabrics and some are made from 2. I took out the yellowy green fabric which didn't seem to fit in with the other colours.
And now I am fiddling around with the block layout while I sew the border strips.
Want to see what other quilters are up to? Hop over to Judy's blog and take a look!


  1. I really like this quilt. The border is going to make it really fun.

  2. Your quilt is awesome!!! Love all the color!

  3. very nice quilt-reminds me of sherbet, love the border fabrics!

  4. Great job on the buzzsaw quilt. I'm liking the border strips and am anxiously waiting to see what you do with them.

  5. That looks delightful. Reminds us that spring is here and summer can't be too far behind.

  6. That is really pretty. the colours remind me of ice cream and summer.

  7. I've fallen in love with the colors in your quilt, too. This is going to be a beautiful quilt.

  8. Yes, your colors are beautiful - and the piano key border will pull it all together. I agree with Cathy: it looks like sorbet/ ice cream colors and makes me dream of summer. Hmmm!

  9. I love this pattern. I made one a couple of years ago with 1930's repo's. Your colors are really nice!!!

  10. It's very pretty! I like how the white background just makes the colors pop! :-)

  11. Love these colours. I rarely play with pastels, but love the look of them! Can't wait to see your border.

  12. This is so sweet. I love the pattern.

  13. oh I love it! it's so much fun!!!
