
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What's on...

What's on my design wall this week?
This lovely block was designed by Jenny in Australia, hand stitched by Julie in the US, and is now hanging on my design wall in Canada. Isn't the world wide web amazing!?!?!  Since this arrived in the mail yesterday, I'm counting it as a birthday present since it was my birthday! Thanks Julie! I'm not sure what it will become yet, so it is whispering possible suggestions about adding pieced borders, possible hand quilting designs, making a hand stitched border, etc. I am listening and taking notes!
To see what is on the design wall of 25+ quilters around the world - click here. The other quilters post their link on Monday but I can't seem to get this done until the middle of the week!
What's on my piano?
Birthday cards! I was thinking today about how this row of beautiful cards defines who I am and some of the special relationships I am blessed by. 
What's on my sewing machine?
I am really trying to finish up some UFO's laying around here. I just have a bit more machine quilting to do to finish up this baby quilt, so today I want to finish quilting the whole border and get working on the binding. I don't have a baby in mind for this quilt, but want to clear up my work space, so it'll be my next finish.


  1. I'm a bit late but Happy Birthday

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. Happy Birthday!!! Did you have a nice day and do something fun?
