
Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Judy over at Patchwork Times blog asked "what's on your design wall?" I enjoyed viewing the other bloggers design walls so much, I though I'd join in the fun and put up a photo of what's on mine.
Baskets...4" baskets and 10" baskets.
The mini baskets are leftover blocks from a class I taught last month, and I am making them into little wallhangings for the guild's Quilt Show mini auction.
The large basket blocks started on Sunday. At the Mennonite Quilt Auction there were packages of background fabric for sale, asking quilters to make basket blocks for some quilts for next year's quilt auction. Somehow a few of those packages got into my handbag, and on the weekend I sewed up the blocks. 
Here are the background packages which simply requested any type of 10" basket block. 
So I made a cup of tea, searched through my Around the Block book by Judy Hopkins and picked out 6 different 10" basket blocks and started sewing HST's. It was relaxing sewing and I was happy to use up all these small pieces from my scrap bag.

In teaching news...if you want to learn more about machine quilting feathers, I am teaching a class at Triangle sewing tomorrow at noon and there is room for 1 more eager quilter! This was not an advertised class, but scheduled by special request. You can read more about the last time I taught this class here

In the computer department...does anyone out there know why my photos do not enlarge when you click on them? They used to enlarge before I got this new MacBook computer, and now they don't. Any ideas on how to fix this problem?


  1. I love-love-love feathers! I'd come and play with you if I were closer!

    I've read that if you write your posts in the Compose tab of Blogger (as opposed to the Edit HTML tab) and then move the pictures, it "breaks" them. I only use the Edit HTML tab (and don't use Blogger's photo hosting), so that's all the info I can give you... :-)

  2. Kathy, I don't know if this will help...I don't know how you put your photos in your blog, but I found a discussion on the blogger help group that might apply. Good luck

    BTW, love the baskets. I've never made one, but yours are giving me a push.

  3. What pretty blocks! Each basket has it's own charm, I love them!

  4. wish I could come!!! I love your basket blocks too, I need to figure out a way to have a design wall.
