
Monday, April 06, 2009


The weather here is unpredictable. I have to look at the outside thermometer everyday to see which I should put on to walk the dog...winter coat? rain coat? spring coat? no coat?
I was starting to get excited about planting my expanded garden, and thinking about turning over the soil, but when I looked outside this morning, this is what I saw! Look what happened to my daffodils! I guess I am rushing the planting season, eh?
Better stay indoors and sew. I have been putzing around in my sewing room, kind of aimless and not sure what I want to work on. I have cut all these tiny pieces for a mini quilt, but wasn't sure what size of block I want, so I ended up cutting pieces for 3 different sizes - 2", 1 1/2" and 1" blocks!

Any guesses as to what block I am trying to sew?!?


  1. Looks like half of a snowball block. We had snow over the weekend too, but today was beautiful.

    any hints?

  2. Yep - I agree - on those wishy washy days you just better sew!

  3. Not at all sure what you have begun but I will be watching for the results.

    Just started to discuss what to plant in the yard with spouse. Waiting till May to make sure we don't have another frost.
