
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

It is a beautiful, sunny Easter here and the Easter bunny has delivered her chocolate treats. A new Lindt store opened up near us and provided wonderful goodies for the Easter baskets. The children are in a sugar coma, and now the Easter bunny has some time to do some blogging and stitching! That worked out well for her!
Don't you just love a long weekend full of relaxing moments for sewing!?!
I finished up another block from Capricorn Quilts BOM (from last year). I think I still have 4 or 5 more blocks to stitch if I want to make the whole set and if I can find my patterns! I am planning to attend an old fashioned quilting bee on Tuesday and was thinking about that while I was stitching this block. I'm sure my hand quilting stitches will leave a lot to be desired by the experienced quilters, however they have agreed to let me join in for the morning.
Happy Easter! I am hopping off the computer to do more sewing!

1 comment:

  1. Bet you will have fun at the quilting bee and the ladies will be fine with whatever stitches you do. You will probably learn a lot from them.
