
Friday, April 17, 2009

First blog post on my new Mac

I have been struggling with my old computer for a while now and hoped that by buying a Mac that my troubles would be behind me. I treated myself to a new laptop, hoping I could do my blogging at the park and surf my favorite quilting blogs while drinking tea on the porch, if ever it is warm enough to sit outside!!! Click here to see my brand new little computer. It is a steep learning curve, but so far so good. I even managed to download some photos, although I need some work on the editing program.
I'll try to show you what I was working on last week. Click here to see all my pieces being assembled. I was working on a challenge with a couple of quilting friends...we challenged ourselves to use the spool fabric and make a mini quilt. So of course I made spool blocks! I sewed 1", 1.5" and 2" blocks trying to decide which ones I liked the best and decided that I liked them all, and would just stack them up. So I call it "Stacked Spools".
Then I got the idea to embroider my favorite words on the top as if the thread was coming off the blue spool. But is was a varigated thread that I used and I think that the word "quilting" disappears where the thread gets too light. I'm not sure what I will do about that yet. 
Here are the mini quilt that my friends made. On the left is Judy's quilt called "Mom's Spools", and it has the cutest little spools of thread sewn down the middle of the quilt. She found these spools in her mother's belongings after she passed away. 
And on the right is Joanne's quilt called "Simple Spools". I hope you will be able to click on the photo to enlarge it and see all the dense quilting on the spools. (Apparently I can't figure out how to enlarge the photos anymore! I'll work on it!) 
This was a fun challenge and we are planning another one in the near future.


  1. Cute spools quilts. I like your stacked spools too. How big is MINI?

  2. Hi Kathy - Thanks for dropping by my blog! Love your spool quilt - it really is so cheerful and makes me want to play with my threads!!

  3. Nifty spool quilts. I write my blog on a mac also. I'm not sure why we can't enlarge your photos to see the bigger pic... I would really like to see those little quilts bigger! Here's what I do to handle my pictures through iPhoto. I edit them as need be, crop whatever. Then I export them and change them to jpgs. I store them on my desktop for easy access when I need to upload them. I've also found that sometimes my pics enlarge and sometimes they don't.

    One of these days I plan a face lift to my blog but I'm not quite motivated enough! B.

  4. Very cute quilts, yours especially. I like the stacked up spools, very whimsical.

  5. I love my MacBook. I've been a Mac user forever.

    I love your spool quilt. It's adorable.

    I hope you have a great time at Paducah.
