
Sunday, March 22, 2009

National Quilt Day

Yesterday was "National Quilt Day" in the US... I think it should be an international celebration with the whole world having a day off work to enjoy quilting! However, the next best thing is having a whole Saturday to enjoy quilting activities, wherever you live.
In the morning the mini quilters came over and brought the quilts they finished last month, which was the Wheel of Mystery pattern. (You can see my first one here and my heart version here.) The variation and creativity in these quilts just makes my heart sing! Each one is a little treasure! I love it when the quilters pull their projects out of their bags and we get to see all their finished quilts. If I loaded the photos correctly you should be able to click on the photos to enlarge them so you can see more details, including unique quilting designs, fancy stitching, and button and bead embellishments.
This photo shows the beautiful projects from Tuesday's group, and the two quilts on the right are made from the same charm pack, but look so different!
In tomorrow's post I will show you what I worked on in the afternoon of National Quilt Day.


  1. These are really pretty. That is part of what I enjoy about teaching quilt classes is seeing the designs in other colors.

  2. Hi Kathy,
    What lovely miniature Wheel of Mystery quilts. I am currently working on a bed sized version of the quilt using batiks. I have about 2/3 's of the blocks made and hope to get some more made this evening. I did get some fabric cut this weekend and finished up some beading projects but now need to quilt a bit to feel I have recognized National Quilt Day.
    Do you do a lot of miniature quilts- it is not something that I have ever done- They are very pretty.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. These are all fun. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Let's start a petition to take either the Friday or Monday nearest National Quilt Day as a holiday!!
