
Friday, January 23, 2009

Photo Inspiration

I was tagged by Jean a while ago and finally got around to thinking about it today! The rules are...go to your 4th folder of pictures and pick the 4th picture, then write about it.
So the 4th photo in the 4th folder is this one:

The photo was taken on a trip to Santa Fe in the spring of 2006. My husband was attending a conference and I was wondering around town looking for the quilt store and trying not to worry about the kids (I hadn't been away from them much before that trip!) I found this unique store that sold doors and was quite taken by it. My 4th photo folder is full of other photos of the doors I saw, but you probably don't want to be bored with those! I can't really verbalize to this day why I was so captured by this place.
Here is my fabric representation that I made when I came back home. I still feel happy when I look at it and always try to find a place to hang it up especially in the spring.
And I also made these two little abstract door pieces for the Abstract Challenge Yahoo group just for fun. I haven't been active in that group for a while and hope to change that this year. I always think about the monthly theme and sometimes even make a sketch of my ideas and inspirations, but lately haven't taken the next step to translate into fabric.


  1. Those doors are wonderful -- and your fabric version is even neater! We're talking about a trip to Santa Fe one of these days -- wonder if we could find that place...

  2. This is a great story...the doors are stunning. I can see why you were inspired. Sometimes our inspirations come from strange places. Love the little door wallies! Very creative.

  3. What a fabulous photo. I can see why you were taken with the place.
    Love the little quilts that came from the photos.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  4. I love your doors! and it's not strange at all. I'm that way about chairs.
    okay, so maybe I'm just weird?

  5. Just saw your DD in the Yahoo board photos. I love how it is turning out. Your colors are great together. Can't wait to see your finish.

  6. This piece is terrific. Great colors and work.
