
Saturday, November 22, 2008

"Picture a House" class

Since I was able to reorganized my schedule for this week (thanks to all the mini quilters for changing their class time), I could attend a class with Sylvia Naylor today. It's hard when there are so many fun things to do and such few hours in a day! You can see some of Sylvia's nature pieces here and one of her quilts has the February page of the 2009 Quilting Arts calendar. Here she is holding my calendar (which she signed for me) and you can also see two of her other house quilts.
Today's class was called "Picture a House". In the morning we made a paper collage, tearing random pages from magazines and creating a house structure from the paper bits.
In the afternoon we made a quilted collage by following the same process using fabric. We cut out bits of fabric, and using our paper collage as our inspiration, we built a house. It was quite intuitive, with very little time to think or be critical...just play, have fun and put something together.
Since the fabrics I am sewing at the moment are plaids, I just brought that fabric pile to the workshop and hence...the plaid house. It's kind of a cute little tartan palace! We were to fasten all the pieces down with a bit of fusible and quilting, and then quilt vertical lines to give the background some texture. Now I plan to do some hand stitching and probably more quilting. Maybe add some embellishments...


  1. What an interesting technique... I like your houses too. So cute!

  2. What a great idea. I might have a go at that. Heaven only knows when though.

    Love and hugs Gina xx
