
Saturday, November 08, 2008

Shop Hop Fall 2008

I have been having a great quilty week. But I have 17 people coming over for supper tonight, so I really should have been dedicating myself to cooking and cleaning and not having so much quilty fun!
Yesterday (instead of shopping and cooking and cleaning) I went on a Shop Hop with my friend Judy. First we stopped at a store that wasn't even on the Shop Hop and I picked up a few plaids for a quilt I want to whip up for a Christmas gift. Here are some of the fabrics I bought...they are in the washing machine at the moment.
And we visited at the chocolate store in Stratford called Rheo Thompson, which has not only great chocolate, but gorgeous packaging and displays. I bought some little chocolate stocking stuffers and some chocolate covered strawberries for my sweetie, which he quickly devoured when I got home.
And then we stopped in at Harry Ten Shilling in Shakespeare and had tea and scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream...yum yum!
Don't we know how to have a great day!!?!
And then we continued on the shop hop...collecting bits of fabric as we visited each of the 6 quilt shops in the area. This is what we gathered and we were given instructions at the last store on how to make a quilted picture holder.
Well, I can't even play with that today, because the work I put off yesterday must be done now!!


  1. Sounds like a yummy day and I love the plaids.

  2. Sounds like a fun day. Beautiful fabrics, yummy treats and a free pattern to boot. Can't beat that! What pattern are you doing with your plaids?
    Have fun with your company!

  3. Sounds like a great hop! Good luck with your dinner party.

  4. Kathy--good to hear from you again. I lost you. My posts are not coming to my inbox so I am replying to your post with a post. Hope this is OK. I was right with you on your day trip. Those scones and cream were just delicious. I visited your bead journal blog--All I can say is WOW! Great work. Thanks for visiting my blog.
