
Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween

Guess what we had this week?!?!
That's right...Tuesday was the first morning we awoke to snow on the ground. It melted by noon, but it was a real sign (besides the bazillions of leaves on the ground) that winter is coming!
Halloween was a little bit sad for me this year. My children are no longer "children" and were not interested in trick or treating this year. The older one was working and the younger one went to a house party. This is a photo of my daughter at around 2 years old...those were the days! (I cut myself out of the photo with my huge glasses and "big hair"...noone needs to see that...although it could be considered a Halloween costume I guess!!!) After all my complaining about sewing my son's costume last year (you can read about it here), you would think I'd be happy to not have to make costumes, stand out in the cold taking the kids around the neighbourhood, etc....but NO! I miss the creativity of planning costume ideas and carving pumpkins, and the excitement of dressing them up and seeing the other children's costumes at school. Oh well, I guess I am being dragged (kicking and screaming) into to the next stage of my life.
Anyway, here is a photo of my husband's scrappy star quilt as it now hangs in his office. I found the painted sign in a shop in Picton, Ontario and thought it was perfect for hanging above the quilt. Hubby is delighted with his quilt and how warm it makes his office feel. His colleagues are now asking me about making one for their offices!
This weekend I am finishing up the elephant quilting. Here it is in my machine...almost to the last border!


  1. The star quilt looks perfect hanging with the word sign above.

  2. Great job on your husband's quilt, and the sign looks very nice with it. Your elephant quilt quilting is wonderful. Right now, I'm just getting started on the FMQ, and I am very inspired.

  3. Great job on your husband's quilt, and the sign looks very nice with it. Your elephant quilt quilting is wonderful. Right now, I'm just getting started on the FMQ, and I am very inspired.

  4. You do an awesome job quilting. I like the feathers on last week's post too.
