
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Capricorn Block #8

I spent a lovely afternoon at Triangle Sewing today and enjoyed visiting with the quilters who dropped in. I also used the time to do some stitching (what else is there?!?!) and finished block #8 of the Capricorn Quilts BOM. I have put a photo of each block on the right hand side of my blog if you want to take a peek at all of them so far. Or you can check out Bea's blog and see many other photos of the same design. And drop in on this blog to see a really creative variation from a stitcher who doesn't drink tea!
I think I missed out on a "bonus" block during the summer, but don't have enough of the white background fabric to do more than 12 blocks, so I am deciding if I will mix in a second white/background fabric. Oh these crazy things we quilters do to ourselves!!!
And here is a photo of my very fancy "light box" where I trace all my hand embroidery patterns onto fabric...the back door of my studio! Works for me!


  1. OH, you think you're "all that" with that fancy light box. I have one just like it. So there!!

  2. good things are in store for you dear. I did indeed "bring" you along on my retreat. I always write down the names of people I want to keep in my prayers in a special way on the back of my name tag, and I put you on there too this time. ;-)
