
Thursday, June 26, 2008

One Seam Short of a Quilt!

It seems lately I am one seam short of a quilt! My lawn is a mess and my garden is a disaster. No carrots or cucumbers at all. The beans are finally starting to come along and the tomatoes are my saving grace! My flowers are anemic looking...ugh! I'm not giving up on it, but it certainly is not a stellar crop this year! Let's just blame it on the weather!
Ad I am one seam short of the OC quilt top. I have been working away on it and trying to get the hundreds of seams to match up. I'm so glad I pressed all the star block seams toward the centres and all the orange block seams toward the outside of the blocks. They are matching up fairly well. I have the one long diagonal seam to sew to finish the top. It is bigger than anything I have made for a long time. I feel like Alice in Wonderland where everything is out of proportion - here's me who prefers mini quilts, trying to piece this huge orange quilt!!
To de-stress I have been working on my Capricorn Quilts BOM for May - yes, May! It is finally finished. I have June's traced and have the weekend to finish it before the July block is posted. No problem since I don't need to spend as much time in my mostly dead garden!


  1. I don't know why, 'huge orange quilt', struck my funnybone. I just yesterday (it's after midnight now) sewed that exact seam on my OC. Now I have to do the borders, and I think I am going to do 5, as I want it to hang down and cover the mattress on my queen bed. I can't seem to not overdo on borders. I hope your weather improves, and your garden grows.

  2. Sorry about the garden. Have you tried feeding things. that normally perks everyhing up.

    love and hugs xxx

  3. Oh! I didn't realize you were doing the Capricorn BOM! Too cute! I've been collecting them, but haven't actually done anything with them.

    Is that a variegated floss, or are you switching colors? Are all of your blocks of the same floss? Inquiring minds....

    Are you also doing Lynette Anderson's Noah's Ark stitchery? (Another one I'm "collecting")

  4. Your OC looks terrific and thanks for posting your vacation photos - they were beautiful.

  5. Hang on . . . before you know it, everything will be flourishing right before your very eyes *s*

  6. I think Bea's stitcheries are a wonderful way to relax. Your latest BOM is beautiful. I'm about two spools short of a thread box with all of my projects. *s*
