
Thursday, May 15, 2008

On sometimes being clever...

I must admit that I often use my creativity to get things done around my house. I try to come up with great ideas to bribe my kids into helping out - let's call it an "exchange of services". If they agree to help me by spending some time pulling these lovely weeds from our yard, I will agree to spend the same amount of time pulling these yummy plants from our yard! Of course we all love anything made from rhubarb, and the kids expecially love rhubarb juice, so they will work hard at those dandelions until they think I have pulled, cleaned and cut enough rhubarb for a dessert AND juice! I take my time thinning out the rhubarb patch and on wonderful days like today, enjoying the warm sunshine. And we all work away at our jobs until it looks like there is enough rhubarb to start baking. That way we all get what we want...
clever eh?!?
And not so clever, is my big mistake on step 4 of the Orange Crush mystery. Here it is - that is not the correct block layout, so don't anybody go and sew your mystery blocks like this one! Thankfully I only sewed 2 blocks with the wrong layout. Where is that bright green seam ripper that Barb gave me that she thought would be easier for me to find?!?!?


  1. you've just come up with another version of the orange crush, and for some reason I think your's is rhubarb crush!

  2. Oops! At least you didn't sew them all before you noticed. I made a rhubarb coffee cake last night. (Third time in a week) What will you make?

  3. I love rhubarb, but my family hate it so it's one of those things I rarely have. I like your new block design, I'm sure you can use it for another quilt.

  4. It's not a star, but I think that you could make a really nice quilt from it. Maybe you've invented a new version.

  5. It's not a star, but I think that you could make a really nice quilt from it. Maybe you've invented a new version.

  6. Exchange of services is always's not a mistake just a variation on the original.

  7. It's amazing how the layout can completely change pieces.

    Pat H.
