
Monday, April 07, 2008

Good news!

I have lots of good news to tell you! First of all, it sure feels good to announce that we have been seeing the sun here in Southern Ontario!! And look here - some real daffodils are starting to poke their little heads up and check to see if the snow is gone...and it mostly is! Finally! It has been a long winter here and we are more than ready for some nice warm weather and some flowers.
My second piece of good news to announce is bead related, so jump on over to my beading blog here to read more about that.
My third good news announcement is that this is my 200th blog post! Wow! How did that happen?!?! I continue to enjoy blogging and find it a good way to not only meet and be inspired by other quilters, but also to keep track of my projects and the quilting/stitching that I am doing. I am going to put together a spring gift for one of my blog readers, so leave me a comment on this post and I'll let my kids pick the lucky winner on friday, which is a PD day (no school, so everyone is getting haircuts - don't tell them!).
I had a couple of quiet hours on Sunday afternoon to do more machine quilting on my spring flower quilt. Here is a photo of my original sketch for the border quilting. It is hard to photograph that green fabric for some unknown reason, so I hope you can see it. The quilting went very well and I was happy with the end results. It was a little wavy so I went around again and added a few more leaves. I challenged myself to finish the quilt in time to show at guild meeting, and I still have to do the binding, hanging sleeve, and label. Tick, tick, tick, tock.....


  1. Your quilting looks beautiful! Good job :)

  2. Congratulations on your 200th post! That is quite a mile-stone. I'm a beginner at blogging. I too enjoy seeing the progress in my quilting and have made several friends.

    Again, congrats!

    Becky in Georgia

  3. Congratulations! I like very much your blog. Greetings from Spain.

  4. Love the quilting on the border. I've been following your progress and it's going to be a great quilt.

    Congratulations on your 200th post.

    love and hugs xxx

  5. I love your machine quilting - very inspiring. I still have the borders to quilt on my CC quilt and am trying to be brave and do something other than straight lines or meandering.

    Congrats on your blogiversary ( I love that word )

  6. Congratulations on your blogging milestone *s*

  7. wow 200 posts! but the best present for you is those daffodils!!! I'm jealous! Lucky you!!! Aren't they the most cheerful flower?

  8. Kathy - I absolutely LOVE the definition that going over the original quilting a second time gave the quilt! I will be tring that for certain. I really like it.

  9. Hey girl. Just stopping by to say hello. I really like your spring quilt.

  10. congrats on your 200th post
    your quilt is just beautiful it is so nice to visit your blog and see so many nice things
    hugs Beth

  11. Hooray for sun! We're finally seeing some here too, thankfully.

    Congratulations on your 200th post, I find that pretty inspiring.

    Have a great day off tomorrow.

  12. Congratulations on your 200th post!

    Greetings from The Netherlands.

  13. Congratulations on your 200th post! I've enjoyed reading your blog!

  14. Congratulations on your 200th post! I've enjoyed reading your blog!

  15. Wow, 200 posts! I just started blogging and have a whopping 4 posts so far - LOL. Love reading your blog - keep on going!

  16. Congrats on the 200th.Seems like only yesterday I started reading all about you, thanks to Barb.I really like how the quilting looks.Wish I was that handy with freehand quilting. Still practicing.
    Good luck with the next 200 or so blogs.

  17. Congrats on 200 posts. Isn't blogging fun?

  18. Congrats on 200 posts! Is Spring really just around the corner for us? A few flowers are popping up in my garden, too.

  19. Very pretty finish :)

    Congrats on your 200th post!

    I have a great finish to share tomorrow evening also- my fingers are still raw from it but worth it in the end :)

  20. Congratulations on your 200 post Kathy! You are a superb quilt artist and it's so nice you share all your lovely works here,

    Have a good weekend!

