
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Piecing blocks

I haven't had a lot of quilting time this week between working, and running the kids around to their activities. I did make time to piece my two blocks for the UFO friendship club's group charity quilt. Joan organized the project, cut out the patches for the blocks from donated fabric, and gave us instructions to use a scant 1/4" seam. There are two block patterns in this quilt, and it is a pattern from Quilters Newsletter Magazine. I'll post a photo in a few months when all the blocks are together. You can see our group's quilt from last year by clicking here.
I also updated my 365 quilt. I have now finished 4 months and am realizing how huge this quilt is going to be (based on the size of 4 months of entries), especially if I add some sashing and borders.


  1. I was wondering how big this quilt would be. Can't wait to see the final product.

  2. You doing a great job on your 365 challenge quilt. I'm waiting for us to find a new house to start my challenge quilt.

  3. I like your blocks--the colors are beautiful!

  4. Maybe it will be a double sided quilt? I like the idea!!
