
Monday, July 23, 2007

Journey of a Quilter BOM

Like a few of the other quilters on the Stashbusters ring, I enjoy the creative ideas of Leanne Beasley - you can read her blog here. She is the originator of the 365 quilt project that I have been working on and I had been thinking for a long time about making her "Journey of a Quilter" Block of the Month quilt. I finally ordered the first three patterns and starting working on the blocks.
I must admit that I decided to use the fabric I had been collecting to make a quilt for my sister! I have been adding to this collection for quite some time, not really knowing what pattern I was going to sew. And since I have been looking at these fabric piles for months, I have decided I really like it! I will have to add more fabrics to it, probably more browns and deep burgundy pieces. I may eliminate some of the greens that are jumping out at me in this photo! Also I have to raid my 365 journal quilt stash of beige/cream for the stitchery blocks.
Here is the first block pieced. It took me about 2 1/2 hours to cut out the pieces, and sew them together - much longer than I would have anticipated. I am getting faster, since I have cut many of the fabrics into strips and am not taking as long to make decisions as I go along.
The stitching is taking me much longer than I had anticipated too! I will post a photo whenever I finish the first block!


  1. love your work Kathy - thankyou for coming by my blog and leaving a comment. I too am doing the 365 Challenge and slowly doing the 'journey of a quilter', although I 'stuck in the water' as they say. I am amazed with your beading - great work.


  2. Oh, that's wonderful, Kathy! I love it. Those blocks are definitely not quick - need to stop and think about every piece and where you're putting it. I'm still plugging away on mine - almost have the first six blocks done! It's been a ton of fun.

    Sadly, I still have not started my 365 Challenge. :-(

  3. Yep, we sure are doing the same quilts - I found both in the photos here on your blog. I guess we can cheer each other on. :)

  4. Kathy, I love your Jouney of a Quilter. The colours are georgeous! I did the Leanne's House Block of the month which was her first, I don't know if you have seen it! I had to hand piece mine because i didn't have a quarter inch foot- i do now- but it took ages! Can't wait to see more of your blocks.

  5. Oooh . . . I love your fabric choices. Aren't Leanne's patterns gorgeous?
