
Thursday, October 12, 2006

It's Snowing!

It's a windy cold day here and the snow is flying! The leaves have mostly fallen, but with the wind today they'll likely all be down tomorrow. The snow was heavy at times ...this is one of our little lawn ornaments (actually we have a whole family of ducks):

In cleaning out the flower beds, I found a little squash or gourd plant growing around the composter, which must have taken seed from the gourds we threw in there last fall.
That was a nice surprise. I was inspired to make a little sketch and have started to paint the sketch with wax pastels. I learned this technique from Holly Knott's article in Quilting Arts magazine. I love her website and her work...

When the piece is finished, I'll post a photo.
In the meantime, I'm searching for my sweaters!